Tuesday, November 1, 2011

News of the world scandal

On 10th of July the British newspaper; News of the world, released their last newspaper, saying “Thank you & goodbye” the reason for this was a phone-hacking scandal in the spring 2011.
The newspaper was in July 2011 accused for hacking a huge number of phones. First is was believed that hacking was limited to celebrities, politicians and the royal family, but later the investigation showed that among others Milly Dowler; a murdered schoolgirl and victims of the 7th July bombings had their phones hacked. The newspaper hacked up to 4000 different targets.

They managed to hack into the phone by using the four-digit code the phone originally came with. The reason for the hacking was to get exclusive stories and scandals. Phone-hacking is against the law, and some victims have received several thousand pounds. Several of the employees at the newspaper are arrested and chief executive; Rebekah Brooks, have stepped down from her position.

The scandal has shocked many people, and we are starting to question how far the press can go to get the stories. When the press has as much power as they have in today’s society, they have to know when to stop, and not abuse the power they are given.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you there. We are starting to question how far the press can go. These week it was revealed that other newspapers like The Sun had been doing the same. Not good at all!
