Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog and Twitter

Over the last months we have used a blog to put up the texts we have written in our English-class, and in today’s class we created a twitter account. The reason we have used a blog instead of just giving the assignment to the teacher, is so more people can read what we write. Because when you have a public blog like this, people all over the world have the opportunity to read what you write. This gives other people the opportunity to learn from what you write and maybe use the information you have gather their self.

 The problem this might cause is that you give out wrong information. There is always a chance that the information you have gathered is wrong, and just like you can bring good information to others, you can bring wrong information. Another problem writing your assignments can bring, is that students do not want to put their assignments on the internet, and that they fell forced to do so. Students might prefer that their assignments are something for them self, and their teacher. Another risk is if it is a student who isn’t very confident about their writing, putting their assignments on the internet, might receive bad comments and feedback that might make their confident even worse.

I personally feel it’s a good way to share information and even your own thoughts, but I also feel a bit more vulnerable than if it was only me and the teacher who had the opportunity to see the assignment. At the moment though, I’m not very worried since I just have 99 blog views at the moment, mostly from Norway, and some from the UK. When it comes to twitter, I don’t see the point of it quite yet, and don’t see how it would help my education.

1 comment:

  1. I like your honest opinion on both blogging and Twitter. Hopefully we will find areas where Twitter will be useful for you. I think it was a good idea to list up the reasons why blogging could be difficult for students. I'm glad you are okay with writing this way!
