Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My views on using the internet during the exam

If you are using internet during the exam, it is very easy to burn yourself by using bad sources. Because there are a lot of bad sources and a lot of incorrect facts spread all over the internet. Sometimes it is easy to see which facts that are false, but other times it is harder because they can be somewhat close to the truth but still wrong, and that is why we hear over and over again to pick our sources on the internet carefully.

Wikipedia is an example of a website filled with useful facts, easy to use, first site which appears on Google, but still have flaws in some articles because people can easily edit it without any form for approval. Students are being advised against using Wikipedia, but still we use, because finding an article on Wikipedia about pretty much anything is so easy. By doing this, we lose the skills to find other more reliable sites, and therefore keep using Wikipedia.

The best way to find good, correct facts is to find sources you know are reliable, like articles written by experts, teachers or other qualified people. Another encyclopedia (not Wikipedia) you know is written by professionals might be a good source. Controlling your facts by crosschecking them with other sites is a good way to find out whether the facts are true or not, but of course this requires more work.

So using internet during an exam can help you a lot in form of providing information, just make sure you fin reliable sources, or at least double-check you facts trough several websites.


  1. Very good advice. Double check your sources. It might take time, but it will be worth it. You don't say anything about your views on taking the exam using the internet. I would be interested in knowing!

  2. Yeah I don't trust wikipedia either. Every time I search something on google it's like "Wikipedia..." Though I have a question for you. Why would you go on the internet in, or at an exam. Isn't that cheating
