Monday, October 10, 2011

English is the most spoken language in India next to Hindi. English is not the official language, but it is used in many situations. The reason English is spoken in India is because India was a British colony from the 17th century to 1947. And when almost every high job position in the society required you to speak English, many started learning English.

Today English is still used in many jobs in India. For example there are hundreds of call centers for companies all over the world is located in India, and here all their employees have to speak English at their job. English is also used in the teaching of higher education, justice, science. English is also the most used language for international and political matters in India.

For most Indians though, English is not their mother tongue, and are not introduced to the language before they begin at school, still about one third of the population can maintain a conversation in English. So English is defiantly not the only language in India as they have several hundred languages, but it is the second, or for many the most important and used language.

1 comment:

  1. These call centres you mention are really taking over a lot of the businesses in the western countries. Sometimes you can't even hear any dialect. To master a language is an important skill!
