Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gran Torino

Gran Torino is a movie about Walt Kowalski. He is an old war veteran who just lost his wife, he live in a neighborhood where most of the families are from different countries and have many different cultures. Walt is not happy about this, and don’t like these people and call them names. He is also in a bad relationship with his family, he think his grandchildren are rude and his son and the sons wife tries to put him in a home for elderly people. So in the beginning he seems like a pretty grumpy, racist old man who just wants to be left alone. 

But the movie isn’t just about Walt; it is about the relationship between Walt and the Mhong family nest door. Mhong is a people who live in parts of Japan, China and Laos. The boy in the family, Thao one day meets a gang his cousin is a part of, and get in some trouble with them. The gang makes Thao try to steel Walt’s Gran Torino.

The daughter of the Mhong family, Sue invites Walt to a party at their house, and he realizes he have more in common with them than his own family. Later Thao works for Walt as an apology for trying to steel his car. The time they spend during this period make him starting to like Thao, and he slowly is starting to accept the Mhongs, and he even helps Thao get a job. But when Walt threatens one of the gang members after they messed with Thao one day, they come to the Mhongs house and starts shooting. They also beat up Sue. Now Walt start to realize what it takes to be able to stop them, and he starts planning. So one night, he lock Thao in the cellar and go to the gang members house, and when he pretend to take out a gun, while it’s really just a lighter, the gang members shoot him. And since he made sure there was enough witnesses the gang members go to prison.

The movie is a good movie about different cultures, racism and that you might have more in common with people from other cultures than you think. It’s about learning to accept these people, even though they look a bit different and have different traditions.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Social media

Today in class we went to hear a couple of presentations about marketing and economic. The first presentation was about how the social media is used in companies today. We know that social medias, such as Twitter and Facebook is highly used for personal stuff, but it getting more and more used by companies, and this is what the presentation was about. 

The reason companies have started using social media is that people no longer only want to take in information through commercials and ads, but want to interact with the company and have the opportunity to contact them easy via social media. In addition their customers can also get constant updates from the company. 

But when you as an individual and companies use these social media, you have to be careful as well. You have to be careful about what you post, and what you write about yourself on you page. This is topics that have been a problem for many people, and many of them are trying to make their pages safer for people. When you post something on Facebook, you have to be careful about what you are saying, and according to the woman having the presentation, people have lost their job because they wrote something racist or inappropriate on their page.

So the social media is good for bringing out messages fast, and it’s easy to communicate with friends, family and even companies. It’s also good too bring out news or other messages fast, but you have to be careful when using them, as you never know who read your posts or check out your profile.

Monday, October 10, 2011

English is the most spoken language in India next to Hindi. English is not the official language, but it is used in many situations. The reason English is spoken in India is because India was a British colony from the 17th century to 1947. And when almost every high job position in the society required you to speak English, many started learning English.

Today English is still used in many jobs in India. For example there are hundreds of call centers for companies all over the world is located in India, and here all their employees have to speak English at their job. English is also used in the teaching of higher education, justice, science. English is also the most used language for international and political matters in India.

For most Indians though, English is not their mother tongue, and are not introduced to the language before they begin at school, still about one third of the population can maintain a conversation in English. So English is defiantly not the only language in India as they have several hundred languages, but it is the second, or for many the most important and used language.